Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The Lottery Of Life.

Well what a busy week it's been. Doctors appointments here, Out Patients appointments there, why i've hardly had two minutes to rub together. It's not been all rush, rush, rush though. The other day i managed to have win the lottery. Okay, so it may only of been a tenner, but when you're a poor pensioner like myself: every little helps! Being a bit of a tight-arse means i like to spend my monies wisely, so i might use the money to buy some new incontinence pants or something.

Although it was only a small win, it didn't stop me from frittering away a few hours on the t'internet trying to select which private jet to buy. It's such a hard decision to make. Do i plump for the 9 or the 12 seater jet?, a wide-bodied jet?, or a long range jet? ... which would be perfect for my up-coming Saga holiday to New York. Anyway, after some deliberation i opted for the rather discrete; Embraer Lineage 1000. Now all i need is £39,999,990 and i'll be a fully paid up member of the mile high club - Yes, even with my dodgy back, hip and bladder.


There was a recent survey in the news saying that mobile phones don't cause brain tumours. I already knew that, because you only have to look at the idiots blindly walking around with a mobile stuck to their ears to realise they've got zero chance on contracting anything as everyone knows that diseases cannot form in a vacuum.

Doctors have also called for a ''fat tax'' to be placed on junk foods. To me, this is a waste of time. A much better option would be to narrow the isles in all supermarkets so they can't reach the cakes and lard pies. If i had my way, all junk food outlets would be made to shut in Sundays. That way all these slobs and chavs might have to sit down and have a proper Sunday dinner, with meat and two veg, instead of a manky burger, fries and a high cholesterol smoothie. 

What a tit.

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