Tuesday, 28 February 2012

We Can't Go On Like This.

One of the main benefits of being old enough to be in sight of them pearly gates is that i won't have to sit and watch the entire country go tits up. Well, more tits up than it already is. Because for some unknown reason, politicians, regardless of their political allegiances seem to be unable to stop themselves from shafting the hardworking taxpayers of the UK. 

Hardly a day goes by when citizens of this once great nation don't get a good solid kick in the nuts by the parasites at Westminster. We're taxed to the hilt, arrested by the Thought Police and constantly being monitored under a sea of CCTV cameras ..... and now they're selling us down the river to the Americans.  

Yes, it would seem that the Government is only too quick to extradite retired businesman Christopher Tappin to the US without them having to produced a shred of credible evidence against him, but a man [ i use the word 'man' in the loosest possible way ] called Abu Qatada can walk the streets of Blighty safe in the knowledge that he is untouchable. Qatada is wanted for questioning by numerous foreign  countries regarding terrorist activities, but has spent many years, and no doubt millions of pounds of taxpayers money fighting extradition. As we all know, he's just one of a long line of undesirables who hide behind the Human Rights Act to avoid paying for their crimes against humanity.              

Scottish muppet, Gordon Brown coined the phrase; 'British jobs for British workers', then quickly proceeded to do the exact opposite, and it would also seem that David Cameron is using that phrase as his modus operandi. We're constantly being told there's no money in the kitty, but that doesn't stop the Tories wasting it like it's going out of fashion.

Just the other day the MOD put in an order for 4 naval tanker ships costing £452,000,000 ....  with a South Korean ship builder!!!! Maybe the manufacturing base in the UK has been destroyed so much that we're unable to build boats any more? What a sorry state of affairs. No doubt they'll fall apart within 6 months and what's the betting that China, Russia and Argentina get to study the blueprints long before our boys do?

Pride of the British Fleet. 

And as we all know [ if you pay attention to what's happening in the world ] not so long ago, thousands of workers got thrown onto the dole when Tories snubbed the UK's last train maker [Bombardier] and awarded a 3 billion pound contract to German firm- Siemens. British jobs for British workers, my arse! Incidentally, Seimens was one of the companies during WW2 that not only used slave labour to make vast profits, but also made components for incinerators and ventilation systems used to gas and burn millions of Jews in the Nazi extermination camps.

That's just a little something for YOU to think about whilst travelling around in one of the 1,200 carriages they're building for the London Thameslink rail route.

''Chin-up Tomasz, only 6,837,792 left, and then we'll start building trains for the British''

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Houston, We Have A Problem!

God only knows what's been happening of late. These famous types seem to be dropping like flies. So many have popped their cloggs it's getting hard to keep track of 'em. Micheal Jackson, Amy Winehouse, Maggie Thatcher [oops sorry, that's just wishful thinking on my part]... and now Whitney has snuffed it, literally. Maybe it's something in the water? Or in Whiney's case, the bath water!

Apparently, Whitney had had not long finished shooting [no pun intended]a new film that was due out in the summer, it was to be called 'The Bodybag' and her management team had been telling her to lay off the drugs and get herself clean. As with most famous types they like to go over the top and as a result ended up brown bread in the bath. I guess she waited too long to exhale! She'll be a sad loss to the music biz because Whitney had sold over 170 million records, yet her biggest hits came from a crack-pipe. It's been well documented that she had a rather 'tempestious' relationship with her hubby, so it came as quite a shock to read the headline, 'Whitney Beats Bobby To Death.' Last week her funeral was shown live on the t'interweb, and they reckon it got around 40 million hits. Which is roughly the same number of hits that Whitney got from Bobby...

Joking aside, it is kinda sad to see people with talent, fame and fortune, who, through poor self control disappear up their own backsides. At the end of the day these people are the architects of their own downfall and deserve very little sympathy -  that should be saved for the people they've left behind.

I guess that's the thing with a lot of wealthy people, whether they happen to be famous or not - they're never truly happy with anything they have. It doesn't matter if they've got the fake B&Q teeth, flash cars or fancy second homes, because most have lives as empty and vacuous as a Greek bank account.