Wednesday 6 January 2010

We're all doomed !!!

Well i couldn't believe my 'mince pies'. The shelves at the local shop had been stripped bare. Outside i heard a commotion. People running around like headless chickens. A woman ran across the street screaming like a mad banshee then proceeded to set herself on fire!! (OK, a slight exaggeration there). What was happening? A nuclear war perhaps or maybe the arrival of the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse?!! Err... no, a few flakes of snow falling from the sky. What's wrong with people these days? Have all those years slobbing out on greasy take-away meals watching rubbish reality TV gone and dissolved people's backbones?

When i was a lad, i'd walk miles to get to school in PROPER snow. Not once was my school closed. The heating always worked, most of the teachers made it into class (no fancy 4x4's in them days) and Ted the Caretaker would cut a deep channel through the snow and grit the paths... all before 8:30am. Nowadays teachers (and kids) will use any excuse for a day off. Clearly the 10-12 weeks holiday they already get during the rest of the school year isn't enough.

Churchill would be turning in his grave if he could see the state this country is in. I say what's needed is a dose of National Service. By Jove, that would straighten up those backbones and sort out them hoodie ruffians. Yes, it never did me or my chums any harm. Although Corporal Dobson did get bayonet'd in the testicles during a drunken prank in the army mess hall .. !!?

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